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Miguel Garji - DeepClass Records


Pieza clave de Ibiza Global Radio, opina sin pelos en la lengua.

Miguel Ángel García Jiménez, más conocido como Miguel Garji, es uno de los pilares fundamentales de la escena electrónica nacional. Afincado en Ibiza desde hace décadas es uno de los directores de programación de la imprescindibleIbiza Global Radio junto a José María Ramón, considerada una de las mejores de su género, emisora en la que su programa Deep Fusion ha marcado un antes y un después a la hora de hablar al aire de electrónica. Además, su carrera como Dj suma ya más de 23 años, 15 de ellos en Ibiza, con actuaciones en las salas más reconocidas de la isla. Asi mismo, también ha hecho sus pinitos en el campo de la producción con muy buenos resultados. En resumen, un sabio de la electrónica con el que siempre se agradece tener una oportunidad para charlar acerca del pasado, presente y futuro de la electrónica nacional y de Ibiza y la problemática de su situación actual.

-Siempre que se hace referencia a tu nombre y trayectoria se alaba tu profesionalismo, tu pasión por la electrónica y sobre todo, tu genuina forma de entenderla, ¿a qué crees que se debe? Desde tu experiencia, ¿te parece que la industria electrónica actual tiene cierta carencia de profesionalidad?

Lo primero, gracias por el alago a mi forma de ver y entender mi oficio, la cual se debe a mis años en el mundo de la música como animador de sala, ya que cuando empecé así era como nos llamaban, jejejejeje. Por aquel entonces, además de ser una tarea no muy extendida ya que no era algo que aprobaran tus padres, estaba mal visto.

La verdad es que yo diría que sí, se ha convertido en un todo vale. Hoy en día lo más importante es la cantidad de fans en Facebook, los cuales además en muchos casos son comprados. Yo por ejemplo estoy tranquilo respecto a recibir malos comentarios en mis posts porque sé que los míos son realmente eso, amigos y fans. Otro de los asuntos es la publicidad de eventos, la cual es engañosa en la mayoría de los casos, pues se basa más en asuntos como tener tu cara en una valla publicitaria (sin menospreciar a los que realmente se la han ganado por su trayectoria) que en el talento. Antes se iba a escuchar como trabajaba las mezclas el artista, hoy esto ha pasado a ser un poco secundario; aunque por suerte, sigue habiendo lugares y eventos donde perduran artistas y gente que apoyan la cultura de club en sus diferentes estilos musicales.

Vivimos en la década en que los DJs son considerados las nuevas estrellas del espectáculo, las cifras que manejan determinados artistas son estratosféricas, no hay ciudad que no tenga su festival electrónico y cualquier cantante ansía unirse al productor de moda de turno para crear el hit del verano. ¿Crees que estamos ante una burbuja condenada a la desaparición? De ser así, ¿cuándo crees que se producirá? De cualquier modo, según tu opinión ¿ha ayudado su existencia al desarrollo y visualización de la música electrónica?

Bueno, ante todo considero que se debe cobrar cuando se realiza un trabajo, y como he mencionado antes, yo lo catalogo como un oficio muy dispar.

En mi opinión, está igual de mal las personas que lo hacen gratis como aquellos que cobran cifras desorbitadas, debe haber un equilibrio.

La burbuja está a punto de explotar, lo malo de esto es que los más afectados seremos los curritos de este mundillo.

Desde su nacimiento en 2004 Ibiza Global Radio se ha convertido en la emisora de referencia de su género, y tu programa Deep Fusion 124 Bpm´s en uno de los más escuchados. Muchos y muchas morirían por saber vuestra fórmula secreta, pero ¿realmente existe?

No hay más fórmula que ser una familia con las ideas muy claras a la hora de ofrecer un producto; algo que era muy necesario en su momento y que ahora sigue siéndolo. Somos un reducto que resiste las acometidas de las tendencias musicales promovidas por las masas o productos musicales.

Siguiendo con tu programa Deep Fusion, ha destacado siempre la variedad de sonidos que presentas en el mismo dependiendo del horario y día de la semana. Algo que si te paras a pensar por un momento tiene una lógica aplastante y sin embargo, no es en absoluto la tónica general, ¿por qué crees que ocurre esto? y ¿qué te llevó a ti a apostar por esta forma particular de hacer radio?

Supongo que viene arraigada a mi forma de ver la música electrónica, y también sobre todo, a la cultura musical que he ido adquiriendo durante años tanto en música electrónica como en otros estilos como Rock, Pop, Funky, etc.

En mi programa reflejo la música que creo más adecuada a mis horarios, cuidando el producto que ofrezco. Una premisa que me aplico a mí mismo y a mis invitados. Hoy en día, la mayoría de los Djs van a buscar su gloriapersonalsin dar importancia al horario, lugar o Djs que le preceden. Se está perdiendo elsaber hacer buenos warm ups, una pena.

Cuando llego a los lugares y encuentro un artista pinchando lo quecorresponde, independientemente del estilo que sea, sé que es un artista concriterio. Eso lo valoro mucho.

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Aunque madrileño de nacimiento hace muchos años que decidiste mudarte a Ibiza, teniendo en cuenta la situación actual de las escenas de ambas regiones ¿tomarías hoy la misma decisión? ¿Alguna vez te has planteado abandonar la isla? ¿De ser así qué otro lugar llama tu atención? Teniendo en cuenta que todavía vives en Ibiza debe existir sin duda algo que te ate a la misma ¿cuáles son esos lazos?

Hombre, hay que tener en cuenta que no es lo mismo tomar esta decisión con 29 que ahora con 43. Ves las cosas desde otra perspectiva, lo meditaría más ¡¡abuelooo!! jajajajaja.

He tenido momentos muy duros en los que sí me he planteado dejarla. Pero por suerte, hoy por hoy tengo un trabajo que me motiva y un círculo construido alrededor de mi vida en estos últimos años. Aún así, nunca sabes lo que te depara el futuro.

Tengo un lazo muy intenso con esta maravillosa isla pese a los cambios tan drásticos que está sufriendo en verano, los cuales, sinceramente, no meconvencen mucho.

La escena electrónica ibicenca sigue siendo una de las más importantes del circuito internacional, sin embargo, es innegable que lo que la definía décadas atrás, y lo que buscaba el público, ha cambiado mucho en estos últimos años.Como testigo en primera línea ¿qué ha ocurrido para que se haya producido esta transformación? Esta idea de creer que cualquier tiempo pasado fue mejor ¿responde a una actitud naif o tiene una base lógica y real sobre la que construirse?

Como mencioné en la anterior pregunta, la isla ha sufrido un cambio, que sinceramente, a mi no me convence para nada. Se está masificando en todos los aspectos y exprimiendo sus recursos sin pensar en su futuro, ya se sabe, con dinero todo vale.

Lo bueno de la isla es que siempre se ha rehecho. Esperemos que esta vez pueda reciclarse a tiempo.

En varias ocasiones has declarado que prefieres el invierno de la isla blanca a su superpoblación de turistas y modas en la temporada alta, así pues, ¿cuáles son tus rincones donde te escondes en verano? ¿Cuáles serían tus recomendaciones para una persona que quiera disfrutar de la escena electrónica más genuina de la isla?

Bufff, difícil cuestión para una persona que se prodiga poco más allá de su trabajo cotidiano, casa y deporte.

Tengo los lugares donde puedo expresarme musicalmente sincondiciones, de momento, tales como el Nassau, ME, La Savina y, por supuesto, mi programa diario. Además, de lugares donde me reclamen a través de la radio. Por desgracia, se nos sigue valorando más fuera que en nuestra propia casa. Eso sí, siempre refiriéndome al verano, ya que el resto del año tengo mis residencias como Sushi Point, Grupo Atzaro, Nassau y algún evento con Rewind.

Recomendaciones: cualquier lugar donde pasen música los residentes de Ibiza.

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En tu rol como Dj has pinchado en los clubes más grandes de Ibiza: Space, Pacha, Amnesia, Privilege y en los más pequeños: Nassau, Atzaro, Blue Marlin, etc. ¿Cuál de los dos ambientes disfrutas más? ¿Tienes algún club que sea tu favorito, aquel donde te sientes como en casa? ¿Qué ingredientes básicos debe tener un buen set?

La verdad es que me encuentro mejor tocando de día, aunque eso no significa que no disfrute en la noche.

Me siento cómodo en mi medio musical, sin condiciones. Adapto mis sesiones, por supuesto, pero sin imposiciones musicales.

Hace algunos años que no toco en la Funky Room de Pacha pero es, con laTerraza de Space, los dos lugares dentro de una sala, que más he disfrutado.

También eres productor, junto a tu socio Javi Viana has publicado trabajos en Deep Class Records, Blue Dye, Alma Soul Music,..etc ¿estás trabajando en algo nuevo? ¿Qué te inspira a la hora de hacer música?

Si te soy sincero, he parado completamente de producir hasta que no esté preparado de nuevo. Está muy poco valorada la producción hoy en día. Pasa exactamente lo mismo que con el mundo del Dj, está masificado y no existe lo más importante: UN FILTRO.

Y para terminar, ¿cuál ha sido tu último descubrimiento musical? ¿Qué artista o tema te ha sorprendido este año? Y ¿a quién no deberíamos quitarle el ojo?

Bueno, sorprenderme siempre lo hacen mis buenos amigos, y no por tener esta condición, sino por la evolución tan buena y elegante que han hecho y están haciendo. Javi Viana, Alex Kentucky, Toni Moreno, JoséMaría Ramón, 2 Villas, Iván Garci, Aday Chinea, Raico Santos, Fer Ferrari por supuesto (mi hermano argentino), y un joven Ibicenco llamado DarioRosati que lo está haciendo muy bien. Atentos a INO que ha vuelto a la escena con muchísimo power. Esto por poner sólo algún ejemplo de tantos, más los que ahora mismo no recuerdo y a quienes pido disculpas por el despiste.

En lo referente a los de fuera de nuestras fronteras: Martin Buttrich, Kevin Yost o Giom por nombrar a varios y dejándome alguno más en el tintero.

Además estoy feliz de que el vinilo vuelva a estar muy presente, una de laspremisas para poner música en un club debería ser saber hacer una sesión en vinilo. Ahora más que nunca saco música antigua.

Autora: Tracy Sybil Arijón
Source: http://djmag.es/articulo.php?noticia=2196


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Soul Minority - Artist Booking DeepClass Records

Soul Minority

Soul Minority is a musician and dj based in Barcelona, Spain.

Born into a musical family, his passion for electronic music started in 1989, when he discovered the early rave culture and fell in love with Detroit techno and Chicago House.

He started producing and releasing his own tracks in 1995 on French underground techno label Kama Records.

In 1997 he decided to move to London. His production, heavily influenced by Derrick Carter and Luke Solomon’s Space parties, got more and more house orientated, leaving behind the Techno side of his previous work.

He released several EP’s on French house labels, and played live in various clubs in Europe and the US.

After almost 6 years living in London, Oli relocated to Barcelona in 2002.

In 2008 he released his first Soul Minority EP “A soul thing” on Groove Armada’s record label Pack up and Dance.

“A soul thing” was #1 in the Beatport charts for 6 consecutive weeks and was acclaimed by techno and house DJs around the world.

Releasing his second EP, “I Remember House” in May 2009, it was no surprise to see it shoot straight in at #2 on the Beatport top 100 charts.

Representing the deeper side of house, Oli’s acclaimed productions are consistently in heavy demand, doing remixes for labels worldwide like iRecords, Tsuba, Dessous, Dirt Crew, Dark Energy, Night drive Music, Dutchie Music, Savoir Faire, Kommunity, Oh! Records, Peppermint Jam, Atjazz Records, Suol, Large Music, Blockhead Recordings.

Since 2010, his original productions are mainly found either on Kolour Recordings or on his own label Stratospherik.

After a long standing relationship with Kolour Recordings his debut album “Slove” is released in 2012 on the Detroit label, and followed by a series of remixes by the likes of Sunshine Jones, Aki Bergen, Berny, 9Lives, Loz goddard, Secret Souls, Oscar P and City Soul Project.

Slove received amazing feedback and hit several DJ charts. In a radio interview with Craig Stewart, Oli explained what he wanted to achieve with the album: “I didn’t want to have a compilation of dancefloor tracks put together as an LP and also I didn’t want a selection of lounging house tracks with some downtempo interludes and that sort of thing (…) I ended up with a very solid album that really reflects my music taste. The vibe is house, disco and soul and blues, there’s lots of guitars, the tempo is pretty slow, and it works well in clubs or at home or in your car.”

Since the release of Slove, Oli has continued to produce music regularly and to perform in public on DJ sets, making him an important growing figure of the contemporary Deep House scene.

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Sebastian Davidson - Arsitst Booking DeepClass Records

Sebastian Davidson

Sebastian David Hagewoud aka Sebastian Davidson has been producing, remixing and DJing for the last 20 years and co- running his Nightbird Music recordlabel for the last 5 of those. With the recent (re)launch of his second label, Kinky Vinyl, this young entrepreneur shows no signs of slowing down.

He put out his first release in 2007 and since then has racked up an impressive back catalogue of labels including Noir Music, Plastic City, Dark Energy Recordings, Kolour Recordings, I! Records, Seamless Recordings and Night Drive Music.

Various EPs and singles for a diversity of labels followed but it is the ‘Nightbird’ single on Kinky Vinyl – remixed by Manuel Tur – that is definitively the biggest single for Sebastian so far and remains a Deep House classic.

Following the success of these releases Sebastian went traveling extensively all over the world spreading a unique sound combining Deep House and Downtempo Beats. With an emphasis on the deeper end of electronic house music, but not afraid to stray from the path, he retains an old school approach that has seen him booked for gigs as diverse as Moog (Barcelona), Audio Tonic (Dubai), Loveland Festival (Amsterdam), Salon Daome (Montreal), Grodan (Stockholm), Mynt (Belfast) and J-Pop (Tokyo).

Sebastian Davidson founded his Nightbird Music record label in 2009 to show the world his view on the deephouse spectrum. It’s safe to say he did a little more than just that. The releases seem to have a subscription on Traxsource’s Deep House Top 10 and are played all across the world.

Re-launching early 2015, Kinky Vinyl is the “new” breakout label to the Nightbird Music family, focusing on fresh, new and undiscovered talent.

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Alex Kentucky - Artist Booking DeepClass Records

Alex Kentucky

This Canary by birth and Balearic by adoption’s audiophile moves as a DJ and producer between a smart, sunny and evening deep and an avant-garde night-club house. His elastic sonorous versatility allows him to play with approved efficiency, with the sun on top, or in much less healthy hours, little friendly of the early mornings…, but undoubtedly, more funny.

In 2012, Alex Kentucky consolidates his ceaseless work in the three branches, that for him, trial the world of electronic music: the deejaying, music production and radio. Learning and work relentlessly.

During the summer, he is resident DJ at Pk2, Nassau Beach Club, Madrigal Restaurant Lounge, Nine Ibiza and he also collaborates with different promoters as Rewind After Tea Party or Amazing Ibiza. Also in these recent years, he has been summoned for important festivals such as Baltic Summer Festival (Poland), Dance Valley (Netherlands) or for prime clubs such as Islington Academy (London), Moon (Madrid), Spook (Valencia), Space (Ibiza), Privilege (Ibiza), El Divino (Ibiza), etc.

Nevertheless, it is in and from Ibiza, where he has earned three nominations to Deejaymags awards as “Best National DJ”, “Best Deep House DJ” and nominated also for “Best Set as Resident DJ at a Beach Club in Ibiza.” In addition, Alex Kentucky is a regular contributor to the prestigious Ibiza Global Radio station where, every Tuesday, he gives us, together with Miguel Garji, his best sound, all framed in “DeepFusion 124BPM” program.

As a producer, he has released on rising and with international projections labels such as Deepclass Records, Reisei Records, Big City Beats Recordings or Adult Music Records among others, being in this latter. He has also provided his own tracks to “PK2 Ibiza 2010”, “Nassau Beach Club 2011” and “Nassau Beach Club 2012”, among others collections, and he has developed different weekly podcast for different companies for which Alex takes years providing their soundtrack, such as Cult/ Energy (Kay Sar, Mokai), or Amazing Ibiza, one of the applications that is causing sensation in Ibiza this 2012.

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Miguel Garji - Artist Booking DeepClass Records


Miguel Garji is Ibiza resident DJ. Many people dream of this status, but few realize what it means in fact to live and work on the island that is oversaturated with clubs, parties and DJs. Miguel keeps things real and admits that it’s only in winter when Ibiza spirit is truly alive – summer is a big messy clash of egos, budgets and hype.

He has played in big clubs such as Space, Pacha, Amnesia and Privilege as well as in smaller venues like Grial, Guarana, Blue Marlin, Jockey Club and many others – but it’s Ibiza Global Radio where he feels at home and can fully express his taste for quality music in his Deep Fusion 124 BPM show which won the prize for the Best National Radioshow at Vicious Music Awards last year.

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Johnny Fiasco - Artist Booking DeepClass Records

Johnny Fiasco

This DJ and producer from Chicago has spent the last 25 years contributing his music to the global dance music community.

His music stems from his grounded Chicago roots and continues to influence the deep house genre of dance music. From acid house down to organic soulful melodies, his style is always composed of musical peaks and valleys.

With well over 150 remixes, works include: Justin Timberlake, Bob Sinclair, Dj Sneak, Armando, Bassnectar, Kaskade, Paul Johnson,Samantha James and Soulstice just to name a few. Passion for production and remixing has come a long way. And he’s just getting started. Stay tuned for future updates.

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Pete Moss - DeepClass Records Booking

Pete Moss


Having traveled all over the world in search of the ultimate underground dance floors, and releasing over 150 projects on top labels, he’s only just begun leaving his mark on the dance music world.

Pete’s first 20 years of being a DJ / Producer have been incredible. Releasing originals, Remixes, Albums and MULTIPLE Mix Compilations on cutting edge labels such as, Ovum, Dessous, Defected, Alola, Definity, Large, Seamless, I records, MN2’s, Acryl and dozens of others, as well as his own underground Recline imprint, he’s made his mark in the deep tech world and then some.

Always following new talent as well as his original musical inspirations, Pete has been remixed by heavy hitters, including Josh Wink, Karizma, The Timewriter, Satoshi Tomiie, Joshua Iz, Omid 16b, just to name a few. As well as doing his own remixes for artist such as Andreas Saag, Mateo&Matos, Kevin Yost, The Timewriter, Onur Ozman, Scope, Fer Ferrari, The Rurals, Greenskeepers, Stan Kolev, Jay J, Daniel Kyo and many others.

Known as one of the finest late night / underground DJs in the world, Pete has a reputation for giving his all at every gig and leaving people touched and inspired by his signature deep and eclectic sound. Including crushing it at Fabric London, La Terrazza Barcelona, Roxy Prague, Salon Daome Montreal, Harlot San Francisco, KiNg King L.A. The Arches GLasgow, La Santanera PDC Mexico, Rioma Mexico City, Smartbar Chicago, Living Room Miami, to name a few.

2016 includes a monster EP release for Ovum Records, following the 2014 summer anthem “Tried To Tell You” which was licensed to the infamous Defected Records “In The House” series. Along with big remixes for Bogota Records and Isgud Recordings, a new original album in the works, and another busy year playing his heart out.

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Hector Couto - Booking DeepClass Records

HEctor Couto

Hector Couto is one of the most respected artists around with a true global allure for his genre of house music, with his unique production style which has been described as being the perfect blend of Chicago house and old-school techno, Couto has been busy making waves within the dance scene for the past seven years. His groove-thickened vibey DJ sets have seen him throw it down at some of the biggest clubs and festivals in the world, while his prolific work in the studio has landed him successful releases on labels such as Hot Creations, 20/20 Vision, Get Physical, Moon Harbour & Defected, also releasing on his own label Roush, it’s safe to say he has amassed an impressive resumé.

Couto, who’s commanded respect from the industry through his achievements, in no time at all has appeared in the Resident Advisor’s Top 100 Most Charted artists and nominated as one of the best house artist for the Vicious Music Awards in 2015.

Lauded time and time again for his “unique” style, Couto decided in 2013 to launch his own record label Roush and believes that with his ability to balance established artists and emerging talent is what makes the imprint standout in the genre’s hugely competitive market.

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Fer Ferrari - DeepClass Records Artist Booking


Fer Ferrari is no longer a stranger to the world of House music. His label DeepClass, started in 2007 and focused on Deep House genres has become one of the most refined labels, garnering the support of djs like Laurent Garnier, Danny Tenaglia, Maceo Plex, Mark Farina and many more; licensing tracks for some of the most exciting cd compilations around.

He has been touring his sound recently with huge success while hosting a weekly radio shows on Ibiza Global Radio (Ibiza).

As a producer he shows a constant evolution that has gotten him noticed by labels like Plastic City (where he reached the tech house nr1 top seller for several weeks with “The Flash” and deephouse nr1 top seller with “Essential Bit Of Piano” released in DeepClass Records), I Records, Nightbird Music, Savoir Faire Music, Cafe Del Mar, Ready Mix, Tronic Soundz, Maya and more. His latest solo works in DeepClass were supported by Dj Sneak, John Digweed, Hernan Cattaneo and many others, giving him momentum with the main digital retailers. This is the best time in Fer’s career. Let him take you on a journey!

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Terry Lee Brown Jr - DeepClass Records Booking

Terry Lee Brown Jr.

For years Terry Lee Brown Junior has been considered as a member of the international elite of House producers, and like no other, he has developed the subgenre Tech-House.

For years Terry Lee Brown Junior has been considered as a member of the international elite of House producers, and like no other, he has developed the subgenre Tech-House. In the USA and England his first two albums became successes of note and the media got a surprise when they found out Mr. Brown is actually a German. Terry Lee Brown Junior, alias Norman Feller, began DJing in 1989 and soon thereafter released his first tracks on vinyl under various pseudonyms. 1994 was the turning point for Norman when he decided to dedicate himself totally to music In the following year he invented the house-oriented project (alter-ego) Terry Lee Brown Junior which allowed him to create his own sound. Plastic City, which was at that time still a very young label, offered Terry an outlet for his music and he has stayed true to this label ever since.

After the success of his first 12″; releases came his debut Album “Brother For Real” in spring of 1996. This release was a true milestone for Tech-House and incorporated elements of Jungle, Trance and Easy Listening. The public response to Brother For Real was gigantic, and not limited to scenesters. Muzik (12/96), England’s most respected dance music magazine chose “Brother For Real” as one of the top ten albums of 1996 (along with albums from artists like DJ Shadow, Fugees, Underworld and Faithless). Marshall Jefferson, the Chicago House legend, honored Terry in an album review by simply stating “He is God” (Raveline 11/1996).

In fall of 1997 Terry’s second album Chocolate Chords garnered further praise and matched the success of “Bother For Real”. In America Mixmag chose this second effort as one of the top 5 albums of the year. Terry Lee Brown Junior is not only a respected producer, but also a much sought-after DJ. This side of the artist is apparent when one listens to the compilation series Terry’s Café 1-8. These mixed CDs once again found resonance in the music press and received rave reviews from Muzik, Urb, XLR8R and other national and international magazines. But the story doesn’t end there. Remixes from Terry Lee Brown Junior of such artists as Gabrielle (Rise), Nalin & Kane (Talkin’ About), Louise (Let’s Go Round Again), Paul Van Dyk (For An Angel), Paris Red (Love Hurts), and Future Funk (Music Takes You High) secured his reputation as a true Remix-Artist.

The third album “From Dub Til Dawn” is a product of two years work and continues the tradition of Terry’s genre-bending House-sound. “From Dub Til Dawn” brings together bass-heavy housegrooves with warm atmospheric planes and fragmented vocals. Sound and rhythm are the most important in this case. Fusions of House and Dub or Two-Step round out the album. Pay attention to the track Take Your Time, which Terry produced in cooperation with his friend and labelmate Timewriter.

Today Terry Lee Brown Junior is one of the most happening and respected House Artists around. This is probably due to the passion and love he invests in his uncompromising productions and mix sets. His albums and mix CDs have shown the world that House music not only works on the dancefloor, but also in a comfy chair. Actually he is releasing his new album called “Softpack”.

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Mr V. - Artist Booking DeepClass Records


Mr. V (born Victor Font, 1974 in Manhattan, New York) is an American house and Latin music DJ, producer, and rapper. He is a regular collaborator of Louie Vega and is also the owner of SOLE Channel Music.
Mr. V started DJing at the age of 14 on the Lower East Side, but it would not be for many years that he would sign with the Vega Records label, & MAW Records, assisting Louie Vega.

In 2001, he founded SOLE Channel, a weekly party with Alix Alvarez in New York City, In 2003 the pair would start a record label called Sole Channel Music releasing several tracks with their own Sound. In 2013 the pair would part ways with the label and Alix Alvarez would pursue different endeavours while Mr. V would maintain the record label, In 2012 Mr. V would launch the first sister label to Sole Channel Music called Muzik 4 Tomorrow (M4T).

His most famous tracks have been “Da Bump”, released in 2006, and “Put Your Drink Down”, released in 2007, both included in the album Welcome Home & is best known for his breakout hit with Fedde Le Grand Entitled “Back N’ Forth” amongst many other tracks & collaborations today.

Experiencing Mr. V’s DJ sets, original productions or remixes is like taking a trip back in time to dance music’s golden age. Before superstar DJs took over the spotlight, dance music was a cultural phenomenon that did what no other form of music could do – bring people together. It didn’t matter what race or sexual orientation you came from because dance music was all about embracing our differences and creating a homogeneous vibe. The music was built heavily on traditional song structures and lots of heart and soul. DJs played whatever it took to get the party going and the music was never predictable. It is with this classic spirit and enthusiasm that New York City’s Mr. V targets today’s dance music world.

Mr. V is a throwback in the purest sense. Growing up in the 1980s the open-minded Mr. V was heavily influenced by House, Hip-Hop, Latin, Garage and Disco classics, Rhythm & Blues and Jazz. Mr. V was enamored by the role a DJ commanded over a crowd and was taken by the talents of his friend Lord G., who had a weekly Thursday night party in New York City. Despite wanting to be a professional DJ, it wasn’t until he met the legendary Louie Vega that he found his calling. “Louie used to have his party called “Underground Network,” and that’s where I discovered a deeper taste for house music. I always wanted to be a DJ, but Louie’s type of music – that whole soulful sound – is what I wanted to play,” says Mr. V.

Louie Vega saw the drive and potential in Mr. V and hired the young Nuyorican DJ / producer as his assistant at the world famous Masters At Work label. In this position Mr. V was given a rare glimpse into the global dance scene and before long was taking to the decks alongside his mentor. Currently, Mr. V is one of the most recognizable names on the circuit. Stylistically, Mr. V has a wildly eclectic sound that brings spontaneity back to the art of DJing.

In addition to his busy DJ schedule – Mr. V has displayed his turntable talents at many popular nightclubs across the globe – he has also made a name for himself as a Producer, Remixer & Artist. Mr. V launched his own label Sole Channel Music (Along with then partner Alix Alvarez) as a way to release music with complete control and artistic freedom. To date, he has many singles, remixes & collaborations on many labels including his most famous track “Jus Dance”, “Something (Wit’ Jazz)”, “Put Your Drink Down” & more.

Mr. V has also released original productions, collaborations & remixes for other labels including Vega Records, Flamingo Records, Play It Down, Dessous Recordings, King Street Sounds, Large Music, Strictly Rhythm, Airplane Records, Defected Records and many more. Combining his multifaceted skills as a DJ / Artist/ Producer / Remixer and with an ear towards dance music’s roots, Mr. V is a name to watch out for!

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